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Project Proposals


This part of Haifa's sea shore includes the Tel Shikmona archeological site and a sea shore strip rich with underwater unique marine life and species.
The program includes: a paved bicycle path, pedestrian promenade, wooden deck, seating areas and lookouts, ecological rehabilitation of vegetation, and path system and seating at the archeological site.
- Rehabilitation of the ecological systems and protecting the marine  reserve.
- Creating a linear pathway for bicycle and pedestrians.
- Connecting the northern and the southern beaches.
- Allowing an archeological park and open museum around Tel-Shikmona.
- Exposing the marine shore and reservation to the public.

Urban Renewal & Beautification | Shikmona Sea Shore
Urban Renewal & Beautification | Chof Hacarmel Beach Promenade
Urban Renewal & Beautification | Kiryat Eliezer Promenade
Urban Renewal & Beautification | Conservatopm and Development Of The Rosh Maya Site
Urban Renewal & Beautification | Haifa Great Synagogue
Urban Renewal & Beautification | Hecht Park
Urban Renewal & Beautification | Port Campus
Urban Renewal & Beautification | Yeshiva Chassidei Gur Courtyard
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